Plantation Directorate, Govt. of Kerala
91 471 2302774
About Us
The Directorate of Plantations, first of its kind in the country, was established under the Department of Industries in the year 2021. The Directorate was establish for revitalizing the plantation sector in Kerala by focusing on improving productivity, value addition of plantation produce and exploring potential markets. The Directorate focuses on providing holistic support to plantations with regards to replanting, mechanization, labour welfare, harvesting, processing, logistics, marketing and exports. The Directorate also aims at providing a conducive ecosystem for plantation operations by establishing a single window platform for statutory compliances and formulating an effective grievance redressal mechanism.
The Directorate of Plantations functions at Vikas Bhavan, Thiruvananthapuram and is headed by the Special Officer, Plantations. Deputy Registrar, District Industries Centre has been designated as District Plantation Officer, for their respective districts.